Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Standards of Beauty Depicted in Magazines Essays - 586 Words

Standards of Beauty Depicted in Magazines Body image is an important concept in many adolescent and young adult minds. To have a positive body image is to know that you are beautiful. To be beautiful is to reach the standards of beauty in society. However, society is constantly changing those standards as time goes by. Many young men and women strive to reach the positive, even if it means their health, money, and mind. They have the media, such as magazines to thank for these wonderful standards. Cosmopolitan is the queen of women’s magazines. Her royal court also consists of Glamour, Red Book, Vogue, and other smaller magazines. These magazines demonstrate these beauty standards. Naomi Wolf researched on body image and found a†¦show more content†¦Women’s Body Image ( helped demonstrates the young influence of magazines. Those days when girls strive to be something they weren’t, were probably the most crucial days in body imaging. They succumbed into the pressure of looking how everyone else wants them to look. Such teeny bopper magazines sell to many young girls the idea of beauty. Teen Magazine is the princess of that royal court. In every young woman, or man’s mind, there is this longing to be desired. To be desired, you must be attractive. To be attractive, you have to look like that girl on page seventy-one in the latest Teen Magazine (Women’s Body Image). Body Image evolves from one look to another. According to The Peel Heritage Complex ( we began in the 1890’s with a beautiful â€Å"plump body, pale complexion, representing wealth, an abundance of food and a refined indoor life style.† That would be about 5’8† and 132 lbs. Now, a model is no shorter than 5’7† and weighs no more than 115 lbs. Many people need to be reminded that most pictures of the models are airbrushed, possibly to the extent that it does not look like them anymore. What does it take to get this look? 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